

Did you know?

Photoageing, a result of prolonged sun exposure and ultraviolet (UV) light, can make your skin appear older than it truly is. It’s believed that a staggering 90% of skin ageing is attributed to the sun’s effects. This exposure deteriorates the proteins in our skin, robbing us of our youthful glow over time.

About this Treatment

SHR is a revolutionary approach to skin rejuvenation. It’s meticulously crafted to counteract photoageing, lighten acne marks, and diminish brown spots. This photofacial therapy enhances both the colour and texture of your skin without the need for invasive surgery. By emitting pulse light and generating heat, SHR eradicates unwanted lesions, treating multiple skin conditions simultaneously. The pulsating light ensures no harm to surrounding tissue, fostering faster healing. Dive into a session that rejuvenates the skin, remodels collagen, tightens pores, evens out skin tone, and reduces acne inflammation.

How It Works


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"Delivering happiness, sensitive to your needs" – our motto in treating each and every one of our valued clients to ensure 100% customer satisfaction. We are proud that Caring Skin has emerged as Singapore's top-rated facial spa, loved by clients.

Common Questions

We’ve listed some frequently asked questions to help you find the answers you’re looking for.

SHR is a skin rejuvenation method that uses pulse light to lighten acne scars, reduce pigmentation, and improve skin texture.

The price is $300+GST, there’s a first trial offer price at $150+GST.

There’s no downtime after the treatment. Some might feel a slight tingling during the process.

Maintain good hygiene, avoid touching or picking at the skin, and use appropriate skincare products.

Most people notice significant improvements after 6 to 12 sessions.

These marks, known as post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIH), appear after acne heals. They can worsen with sun exposure, picking at blemishes, or not following a proper skincare routine. To prevent them, use sunscreen, avoid picking at acne, and maintain a gentle skincare routine.

While SHR can address the appearance of some pigmentation like age spots, it might not entirely remove deep or stubborn acne marks. It’s best to consult with us for a tailored treatment plan.

Yes, the results are lasting. However, occasional maintenance sessions might be needed to keep the desired outcome.


Book An Appointment

Take the first step towards clearer, healthier skin by booking an appointment with our experienced team at Caring Skin.